Organic Wine

WineWine is a very common drink used by many people throughout the globe. It is available in great varieties, each wine having its own unique taste.  With the increased interest in organic food, many people are now creating  businesses producing and selling organic wines.

What is organic wine

Organic wine is produced from grapes which are grown in a natural environment free of any fertilizers, chemicals or pesticides. Organic wine is preferred because of its health benefits, in comparison to more conventionally produced wines. Lots of people use organic wine because they feel that organic foods are more nutritious and tasty, and more healthy than conventionally produced foods.

Every year 1500 to 2000 organic wines are produced throughout the world. In conventional agriculture, various chemicals are used to increase the productivity and these chemicals are absorbed by the roots of the plant which ultimately affect the final product. This chemical activity can affect the structure of the soil, and may percolate into the ground water underlying the vineyard. There are government regulations in many countries, which regulate the whole process of organic wine-making, thus protecting the health of people and safeguarding the environment from potential toxic chemicals

Natural wine making

Many people think that organic wine is another name for natural wine. Although these two types of wines are very similar, there are some differences in their production methods. Organic wine making does not use chemicals to grow the grapes, but it may use micro oxygenation, reverse osmosis, and excessive filtration during the processing of the grapes to make wine.

On the other hand, natural wine making is the purest form of wine making, using only unadulterated  fermented grape juice.  The grapes are first grown using either organic or bio dynamic methods, and then they are  picked by hand rather than by machinery.  After picking there is some squashing to produce juice, which then sits in large vats.  Whilst in the vats, natural yeasts from the air and the grape skins, will start the process of natural fermentation.  During this process there is nothing added, such as oak flavors, or sugar etc.  The resultant product contains only the original organic grapes.

Large scale organic wine production

As a result of the increased interest in growing wine organically, and the health benefits associated with organic production, the number of large scale organic vineyards is always increasing.

Due to the environmentally friendly production method, organic wine has been supported by leading people of the world.

Prince Charles says that: “It is vitally important that we can continue to say, with absolute conviction, that organic farming delivers the highest quality, best-tasting food, produced without artificial chemicals or genetic modification, and with respect for animal welfare and the environment, while helping to maintain the landscape and rural communities.”

It is enlightening that some world leaders are promoting the production of organic food.  I guess it really is just reintroducing food production as it was 70 – 80 years ago, before the large scale manufacture of agricultural chemicals.  We are going the full circle, reusing organic “waste” as a useful input with lots of value.

Sulfites for preservation

Sulfites may be used in both organic and natural wine production.  They are added as a preservative and a stabilizer.  The amount used in natural wine production is very small. In fact some natural wine makers don’t use any sulfites in their products at all.

For organic wine production there may be a few different categories, depending on the amount of sulfites used in their manufacture.

  1. The first type of organic wine is called 100% organic as it is made purely from organic grapes, grown organically and there is no sulfite added to the product:
  2. If there is a small amount of sulfite added, then it is called 95% pure;
  3. The third category of wine is called 70% pure. It contains organic grapes, but there may be sulfites and other chemicals added during fermentation.

It is always best to read the label on any product that you are going to eat or drink, so you know exactly what you are going to consume.  You can then make an informed decision about your purchase.  With all food the best quality will always be 100% organic.

Health benefits

There is some discussion about the health benefits of red wine, however the scientific data to support this theory is very limited.  The skin of red grapes contains an antioxidant called resveratrol which may improve heart health.  However to get enough resveratrol from wine may require drinking large amounts of wine.  This large amount of alcohol is certainly not good for the body.

Organic Tea Benefits

With people all around the world becoming more health conscious and learning the detrimental effects of consuming unhealthy foods, almost all kinds of food consumables have natural ingredients today—like tea. Tea has been an everyday beverage since time incarnate. However, with people generally becoming health conscious, the health benefits and disadvantages of tea were discussed, which has created a scenario where healthier and better options of tea are now available, one of them being organic tea.

Organic tea is the tea that is prepared using only natural ingredients and resources. Organic tea is special tea which guards the body against several disorders and offers many better nutrients to the human body.

However, one should keep in mind that organic products like organic foods, organic tea etc. are quite expensive than compared to the other mainstream products, and it becomes very necessary to weigh the advantages of buying the organic products. When it comes to organic tea, there are several organic tea benefits that make buying organic tea an interesting deal.

Basically, the organic tea benefits depend on what ingredients have gone into the cultivation of the tea. However, the most basic organic tea benefit is the increased amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants are the best natural resources that a body can get. Antioxidants are created from a process that is known as oxidative stress.

Oxygen is one of the most important resources needed by the body, but the body loses oxygen because of the natural bodily processes. The antioxidants help the body in many things, right from being an anti-aging product to combating cancer.

Organic tea benefits not only the user but also the farmer. Because the crop is grown in a natural manner, the soil remains stronger for a longer while, and produce is of a higher quality and the soil can remain fertile for a longer time.

Another important organic tea benefit is the boost that it gives to the immune system. Tea has long been known as being a booster shot to the body—that is the reason that one consumes tea or coffee during those long nights of work—but organic tea provides a boost to the immune system, which makes it difficult for the human body to contract viruses and other illnesses.

Organic black tea, prepared with natural methods and having natural ingredients has organic tea benefits like decreasing the risk of cardiovascular issues, prevention of heart issues like a stroke or an attack, and also it prevents some kinds of cancers. Organic black tea has another organic tea benefit, in the sense that the caffeine content is almost fifty percent less, which makes it a much healthier drink as compared to the other beverages available in the market today.

These are several other organic teas that are available in the market, and the organic tea benefits depend on the type of ingredients that are used to prepare the tea. If you are interested in switching over to organic tea, make sure that you read the instructions and the ingredients of the tea, so that you can decide which tea you wish to use.

Start Your Day with Organic Coffee

coffee beansThe world is divided between tea drinkers and coffee drinkers, and never the twain shall meet. One complaint that coffee drinkers had is that there were few, if any, organic options that they could consume. While there were a lot of organic teas and natural teas available, there were few organic coffees available. However, coffee drinkers the world over can now rejoice, because there is now a healthier, more nutritious way in which they can consume their favorite beverage—organic coffee.

Organic coffee is the coffee that is created with natural processes. There are no artificial fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides that are used in the cultivation process. Also, the coffee that is prepared in the farms that indulge in soil composting, natural recycling of the soil and other natural activities is considered to be organic coffee.

When you start your day with organic coffee, you take part in a global phenomenon that is only gaining strength with every other user. Organic coffee is normally grown in three manners—shade grown, organic and fair trade—with shade grown being the most prominent way of growing organic coffee. This has increased the number of forests in the world. Also, with the number of organic coffee plantations increase, there is lesser use of artificial pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers.

The organic coffee plantations also give a boost to the natural animal life. For example, birds are used as natural pesticides, in the sense that they eat the harmful worms and plants that might harm the coffee crop. Organic coffee plantations also help against soil erosion and preserve the habitat, which makes it a better option not only for the user, but also for Mother Nature in general.

Shade grown coffee is the coffee that is grown under the shades of trees. This is the traditional, natural way of growing coffee. The shade grown coffee procedure created a natural habitat, and also helped increase the habitat for birds and other animals.

Natural growth of coffee has now become more important than ever before. There have been several reports about how to organic coffee is important and the benefits of organic coffee plantations. Today, coffee giants like Starbucks, etc. have been looking at ways to use organic coffee—that is coffee grown in shade plantations instead of sun plantations—and using other natural coffee crop.

The natural way of growing coffee became obsolete in the seventies and eighties, during the Green Revolution, which saw the advent of technology in agriculture, and a yield intensive agriculture process. This created a scenario where sun plantations were given precedence over shade plantations, as it gave a greater quantity of yield.

Today, organic coffee has made its presence felt in most parts of the world. There are several companies and institutions that create organic coffee. If you are looking for companies and institutions that offer organic coffee, a simple search on the Internet will provide you with all the information that you need about organic coffee producers and where you can get natural coffee.

Organic Milk vs. Regular Milk

milkOrganic milk is gaining a lot of popularity today. The superstores have devoted full sections to this product, while there are still a vast majority of people who don’t understand what’s wrong with the regular milk that has been used by them all this time. Is organic milk the more original one or is the regular one we have currently the predecessor of it? Is organic milk just a fad, like so many other health fads that have infiltrated the world right now? These are some of the questions that are haranguing people’s minds.

What Is Organic Milk?

So, what is organic milk? Basically, this is milk that has been obtained from cows and buffaloes that were kept completely on natural feed. These cows aren’t given any synthetic hormones or supplements that other cows and buffaloes are sometimes given to boost their milk producing ability. They are kept away from anything that is laden with chemicals and is billed as synthetic. In fact, this is done to such an extent that these cows and buffaloes aren’t even given the same medicines that regular cows and buffaloes are given—they are only given natural versions of any medicine when they fall sick.

Regular milk, on the other hand, is different. In most dairy farms, cows and buffaloes are given some booster hormones and other chemicals so that their milk production increases. They are given feed that has been grown synthetically using artificial fertilizers and sprayed with chemical based pesticides, fungicides and bactericides to keep them away from diseases and other destructive factors.

Organic Milk vs. Regular Milk—A Comparison

When you consume regular milk, you are taking in the various chemicals that were used in the production of this milk, right from the chemical fertilizers that were used in developing the fodder for the cattle to the synthetic preservatives that are used in keeping the milk fresh for longer. This can take its toll on your health. In some cases, these chemicals have been found to produce health conditions such as eczemas and allergies and, in some cases, even the risk of cancer is found to be increased.

The process of pasteurization for organic milk follows a different pattern than that used for regular milk. While pasteurizing regular milk, artificial preservatives might be added. However, organic milk producers reject all such types of chemicals. Instead, they use a technique known as ultra-high temperature pasteurization, in which milk is heated to a temperature much above its boiling point and then cooled in different ways. This treatment actually works quite well because it ends up making the milk more fortified than regular milk that is available. Consequently, the shelf life of organic milk increases.

However, when you take a look at the individual nutrient levels in organic and regular milk, you will find that there is no major difference. Milk produced by both methods has the same nutritional value and hence it is equally healthy.

But, people are still moving towards using organic milk, and the reason for that lies in the fact that this milk is healthier and as away from synthetic additions as it can get.